Stand Up for a Green Future

December 2020
Coordinator: INTERSIC

Young people coming from 5 European countries, Italy, Greece, The Netherlands, Turkey and North Macedonia took part in this Youth Exchange project. This project was focused on active citizenship and environmental awareness. Participants engaged in multiple workshops, discussions, brainstorming activities and debates. Even though the activity took place online, due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the subsequent restrictions, we managed to create a welcoming and fun environment for all the participants, who in turn contributed to the collective experience through their creative engagement, ideas shared and cultural enrichment.

“The best part of this project was meeting many people with different cultures. Seeing differences and similarities between countries and their effects on people helped us to understand each other better. We both learned useful information about active citizenship, sustainable development, competences required to improve our life and had a good time talking about these concepts.”

The Turkish Delegation

“The experience was certainly very positive: it fully met our expectations and allowed us to create a beautiful place for dialogue, for a very heterogeneous group of people who are at the same time interested and active in environmental issues. The distance, obviously deprives significantly part of this kind of experience, but which, did not prevent this experience from being interesting and fun.”

The Italian Delegation

“The Erasmus + program, “Stand up for a Green Future”, was a ray of hope in the covid-19 isolation times and a small dose of “travelling” we all needed. We had the opportunity to collaborate with many interesting people from different countries and enjoyed a memorable intercultural night with them, as well as other activities that brought us fun.”

The Greek Delegation

“Overall, we all had a great experience. We learned a lot, we opened up, felt the energy and participated with enthusiasm. The project started off nice. We introduced ourselves and shortly after, we jumped to the activities. The project leaders were nice, friendly, had oversight, had respect and created a nice working environment. All the assignments were well prepared, clear and well organized.”

The Dutch Delegation

“Such a great experience for us all, so many new things to learn from other youngsters that were part of the project and from the activities and presentations from the organizations whose work is connected to the topic. The workshops, where we discussed case studies and exchanged our cultural backgrounds and opinions were very informative as well as eye-opening.”

The North Macedonian Delegation


INTERSIC is located at Athens, in the region of Attica, Greece. It is the capital of the Greek  State.

Address: 5 Perikleous Avenue, Athens - Attica
Cholargos 15561,

Tel.: +30 2155557662

